Social Justice and the Sacred: Exploring the Thought of St. Alberto Hurtado, S.J.
Price: $35.00
Date Published: 2021
ISBN: 9780916101091
Book ID: 89
2021 / hardcover / 212pp. / index / 14 b&w images / $35.00
“Alberto Hurtado is a monumental figure in the Catholic history of the Americas in the last century, but publications about him are unfortunately quite limited. Yet, because he combined both serious academic work with extremely influential pastoral work in his native Chile, he is more accessible to many audiences than are figures whose contributions were more purely academic (such as Ellacuría, Sobrino, Segundo, and Boff). The large interest generated by his canonization in 2005 offers an important opportunity to introduce English-language readers more fully to his work.
Social Justice and the Sacred: Exploring the Thought of St. Alberto Hurtado, S.J., examines the life and writings of Hurtado from a variety of perspectives, and this provides a rich understanding of who he was and how his thought took shape and evolved. The diversity of views and disciplines represented, as well as the thematic foci—moral theology, rights, the family home, social change and reform, deification, his relationship to other theologians and thinkers of the 20th century, etc.—make for a thorough overview of this hugely important figure in Chilean history, both within and beyond the Catholic church. This is the first book of which I am aware in English which examines Hurtado and his thought in such a fruitful variety of ways.”
Matthew Carnes, S.J.
Associate Professor, Department of Government
& Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service
Director, Center for Latin American Studies
Georgetown University
Social Justice and the Sacred will be of interest to several different audiences. Scholars and students of Latin American history will appreciate the way it grounds Hurtado and his influence in that region's historical development. Researchers and students in theology and spiritualty, as well as church leaders, will find it of value for its examination of how Hurtado fits into the arc that leads from the conservatism of the 19th century to the strong social concern (and even liberation theology) of the 20th century. The book—or at least chapters from it—lend themselves to being used in undergraduate and graduate courses on theology, Latin American Studies, and history.
Biography of St. Alberto Hurtado, S.J.
Timeline of the Life of St. Alberto Hurtado, S.J.
The Present Volume
Part I: Biographical and Historical Essays
1. M. Soledad del Villar, “‘Before God Everything Vanishes’: St. Alberto Hurtado in the Year of his Death”
2. Fernanda Soza, “The Evolution of Social and Economic Rights in Chile: The Historical Context of St. Alberto Hurtado’s Works”
3. Francisco Jiménez, S.J., “The Final Years of St. Alberto Hurtado
Part II: Studies
4. Samuel Fernández, “Individual and Structural Reform: The Evolution of St. Alberto Hurtado’s Moral Theology”
5. Ursula Basset, “Communion and Place: The Family Home According to St. Alberto Hurtado”
6. José Sols, “The Social Thought of Alberto Hurtado and Ignacio Ellacuría: A Comparative Analysis”
7. Rosa Bruno-Jofré, “Educational Theory and Theological Debate: St. Alberto Hurtado Reads John Dewey”
8. John Gavin, S.J., “‘Judging All Things in the Light of Eternity’: Deification in the Thought of St. Alberto Hurtado, S.J.”
9. Scott FitzGibbon, “Postscript: St. Alberto Hurtado and the Human Person”
Primary Sources: The Works of St. Alberto Hurtado, S.J.
Selected Secondary Sources
List of Contributors
Scott FitzGibbon is Professor of Law at Boston College Law School. He is the co-editor of The Jurisprudence of Marriage and Other Intimate Relationships and co-author of Glazer and FitzGibbon on Legal Opinions: Drafting, Interpreting and Supporting Closing Opinions in Business Transactions, and has published numerous articles on legal philosophy, the family, and business law. He is the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of the Jurisprudence of the Family and Senior Vice President of the International Academy for the Study of the Jurisprudence of the Family.
John Gavin, S.J., is Associate Professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA. His publications include “True Charity Begins Where Justice Ends”: The Life and Teachings of St. Alberto Hurtado, S.J. (Studies in the Spirituality of the Jesuits 43/4 [Winter 2011]), the edited volume (with John M. McDermott, S.J.) Pope John Paul II on the Body: Human, Eucharistic Ecclesial (Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2007), and, most recently, Mysteries of the Lord’s Prayer: Wisdom from the Early Church (Catholic University of America Press, 2021).
Fernanda Soza
A Visiting Scholar at Boston College Law School (2017-2018), Fernanda Soza holds a Law degree from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, a Master of Laws degree from Boston College (2015), and has been admitted to the Bar in Chile (2002) and Massachusetts (2017). She was the Director of San Sebastian University Law School in the south of Chile and a Judicial Intern-Law Clerk for the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (2015- 2016). She is currently the Executive Director at the Chile Massachusetts Alliance Inc., in Boston. She is the co-editor (with Scott FitzGibbon) of the first English translation of St. Alberto Hurtado’s book, Social Morality (Convivium Press, 2018).