Item #76 Crimson and Gray: The Red-Tailed Hawks of Saint Joseph's University. Michael P. McCann, Christopher O. Dixon.

Crimson and Gray: The Red-Tailed Hawks of Saint Joseph's University

Price: $25.00

Place Published: Philadelphia
Publisher: Saint Joseph's University Press
Date Published: 2015
ISBN: 9780916101824
Book ID: 76


54 pages / index / 11 7/8 x 12 in. / 47 color images

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This book documents a year in the life of two red-tailed hawks, Crimson and Gray, on the Saint Joseph's University campus in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Crimson and Gray established a territory, built a nest, and successfully hatched two eyasses (young hawks) who became known as Iggy and Swoop. The nearly 50 photos (mostly taken by the university's archivist, Christopher Dixon) are supplemented with seven chapters of text. These address topics ranging from the biology of red-tailed hawks to the intersection of Ignatian spirituality and the natural world

Table of Contents


An Introduction to Our Story

Reflections on Ignatian Spirituality and Nature

Red-Tailed Hawk Biology and Behavior

From Eradication to Celebration: America's Changing Attitudes about Birds of Prey

Hawks Bring a Touch of Wilderness to Saint Joseph's University

Hawk and Squirrel: On Symbols in Nature Writing

The Other Hawks at Saint Joseph's University
